Sunday, April 08, 2012

Titanic 100th anniversary

Now that the move Titanic is back in cinemas to cash in on the 3D wave and commemorate the 100th anniversary of this iconic ship's sinking, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some trivia about Titanic which you might not know.

Fourteen years before that historic voyage took place, a story book named Futility was published. The novella has a number of shocking similarities with the actual event. The fictional ship was called Titan (almost Titanic), sails in April and started of from Southampton.

The best coincidence that makes people wonder if the author had anticipated Titanic's tragedy was that Titan had crashed into an iceberg as well. However, unlike the real thing, the story had a hero who fought a polar bear while he was stuck on the iceberg.

Titanic had more lifeboats than it could carried according to the law. Shipping laws allowed the passenger liner to only carry sixteen lifeboats which it did but it also added four extra collapsible lifeboats.

Law, during then, only required ships to carry such a pathetic amount of lifeboats which may be the reason why so many passengers were not able to escape from the disaster. Had the law been different, history might have been a totally different story.

Titanic was not trying to break any records at all although many people twisted the story and many more people believed this distorted truth. This ocean giant did not meant to exceed any records, it was just merely taking a longer and slower route to avoid erm, icebergs.

But history lessons would be mundane if nobody twisted the facts and made it interesting. Also, nobody claimed that Titanic was unsinkable although some parts of history mentioned that. Nobody in this world would ever declare a ship which is superior to the mighty ocean.

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