Monday, February 13, 2012

Luxury Peanuts

People generally love gold, whether is it investing in it or just wearing them to show off. However, at the moment, the latest trend in South Korea is to eat peanuts which have gold.

Golden Woodo, a Korean company, has been cultivating these gold peanuts for some time and demand has been outstripping supply so far. Currently, the product is only available in the Korea and Japan while China seems likely to be its next market.

The peanuts undergo a gold infused water diet three times daily. Then, some technology is used to infuse nano particles of gold from gold bars to mix with a water solvent which are then absorbed by the roots of the plants.

There, you will get peanuts that contain 2.09 mg of gold per kg. The benefits of consuming this premium food include anti-aging effects and boosting one's IQ.

It will cost you approximately $65USD for a kilogram of these luxury peanuts. It may seem costly but there are still many willing buyers out there.

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