Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dogs for life

If you disagree that dogs are man's best friend, then you definitely have to admit that they are the best mourners of the animal kingdom.

Tommy, a German shepherd, has been runnng to the church its owner Maria Margherita Lochi used to go to before she passed away in November last year. The canine has been showing up for Mass daily for the past couple of months. The church was also where its owner's funeral was held at.

Lochi had adopted Tommy, then a stray dog, and both owner and pet have been to services at the Santa Assunta church in San Donaci, Italy ever since. After the unfortunate news of Lochi, Tommy was adopted by the village community with residents giving it food and water.

Churchgoers have generally spoke positive things about the heartbroken dog. It was said to have been rather quiet (unlike a dog) and waited patiently. No complaints by parishioners was ever lodged against it.

I personally would not choose a dog as a pet, not even the cutest one. But I believe that most dog owners are right about their reasons of keeping one. A dog is actually a pretty good investment if you provide it with proper training and nutrition.

If only all the dogs in the world could behave like Tommy. Then the nosiest living thing on earth might probably be China people then. Woof that!

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