I applaud the move by the authorities to ban smoking at even more places in our country. Mr Khoo Seow Poh who is the director-general of public health with the National Environment Agency(NEA) said that it is part of the worldwide drive by the World Health Organisation(WHO). WHO encourages governments to have smokeless public and work places
The places which would be added into the banned list include hotel lobbies, non air-con offices and shopping centres, playgrounds and the one which I think is the best, carparks. So to everyone whom I know that smokes, you better start contemplating a couple of new places to puff unless you want to risk getting fined
Speaking about getting fined, what the NEA requires is not only more enforcement officers, but also strict and intrepid ones who are not fearful of the ah bengs, young punks or foreigners(at Golden Mile). Weak or rather no enforcement has been the government's forte and what they do best in is conduct meetings and arrange people to look into the matter. This seriously will not work, I really hope there will be a change this time and the recalcitrant smokers will be punished accordingly although I am aware that statutory boards work one-way, one-direction
Actually I do not know why smokers tend to get this special privilege that non-smokers are not entitled to. Because of their addiction, they can take 5-10 minute breaks during work to smoke at the entrance or somewhere else. This is a common "practice" among some of my colleagues when I was at work previously. One would sent a message on msn to the other to ask if he wants to take a smoking break and the answer is usually yes of course. Then, both of them would just calmly make their way out and go to basement 1 where the carpark is their distress corner. And if you guessed it, when two smokers walk out together, another one who noticed them will gladly lock his computer, get up from his seat and follow them too. At last, when they come back into the air-con office, a strong and unpleasant smell is carried by them and felt by others
We should stop all these nonsense and not let smokers continue their bloody selfish actions, most of them think that the people around them might not mind inhaling second-hand smoke but this just shows how inconsiderate they are
Also, I dislike seeing people placing their cigarette boxes on the table wherever they sit. Are they trying to show people, hey I smoke, you better not come and anger me or display that disgusting and super gross lung/brain/mouth cancer picture? Back to human nature, they are just displaying the raw side of humans, showing off and trying to look good(which is obviously the opposite in this case)
Come this new year, they will be less places which smokers can smoke, this is absolado bingo great. Really feel like going back to the office next year to see how my ex-colleagues strategize a new tactic for their addiction during work. If they are still not caught, then the HR department should do something too. Give demerit points! Let's say after one gets 5 points he get a pay cut? And when it reaches 7, sack him. Good riddance of poisonous smoke
Ok enough of those, pick your favourite design, these are the 3 more popular brands in the country and I am not encouraging you to smoke, it is just a fun thing. I wonder if anyone collects cigarette boxes as a hobby? It will sure look colourful and spectacular placing them all together
Marlboro, the most famous and all time favourite around the world

Marlboro Filter

Marlboro Lights

Marlboro Ultralights
Viceroy, another brand which many people know, maybe because of the quality

Viceroy Filter

Viceroy Lights

Viceroy Ultralights
Camel, popular among the younger generation as the name is easy to remember

Camel Filter

Camel Lights

Camel Superlights
Smoking is not only physically harmful, but also morally, psychologically, socially and financially
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