Tuesday, May 04, 2010

10 misconceptions about me Part 1

10 misconceptions people have about me Part 1

Here are ten myths about myself which I would like to clarify once and for all. A good chance for you (kaypoh) to know me better


I am a Singaporean. Yes I am ever since birth. I don't understand why so many people think that I am from China. Of all places, people think that I come from the land of melamine!

Do I have that cheena look? Something that every Chinese national in Singapore will have on their faces which distinguishes them from locals here

Which China man has an English name other than Jet Li? Oh wait, he is a Singapore citizen already. You people better go have an eye checkup

Favourite sport

People who know me think that my favourite is football. Unfortunately, they are all wrong. Football is fun but I believe basketball is nicer. At least, it is more interesting to watch basketball matches

I like badminton, table tennis, tennis and many others except golf. As for my favourite, I am unable to name it but I can say football is definitely not the number one


Most people perceive me as a typical kiasu Singaporean. I do admit that I am kiasu but it is because I have "auntie" traits in myself

Comparing prices from different supermarkets, looking for discounts in newspapers and trying to save five cents all make me look like a kiasu man

But that is my style and I am just following my style. I am not following the Singapore traditional trend. It is just me

Please excuse me, I think Sheng Siong is having some discounts now


Judging from the way I talk about eating and my ever-lasting knowledge on food, people will think I will be a good cook

However, it is the opposite in reality, I don't cook, I only know how to eat. You can say that I am competent in my theory but my practical is atrocious

I know many recipes and love making some criticism on cooking/food shows. But if you give me the frying pan, I will just stone there

I had invented many recipes before although none of them have be tried and tested yet. One day I will prove to you all that I am an all-round food master. Can eat and can cook


This is my favourite. People who know me well enough know that I don't smoke. On the other hand, normal friends of mine always believe that I am a puffer

I don't know how did they come to a conclusion that I smoke just by my appearance. i understand that as I have quite a little knowledge about cigarettes, it is inevitable that people will think that way

Smoker? No way but selling cigarettes? Don't forget to count me in. It is a very profitable

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