Monday, March 14, 2011

Jap Saga

I am sure everybody knows what is going in Japan currently. However, the reactions of people (whom I know) after the disaster was simply retarded, at least on Facebook.

If you had login to Facebook in the last 48 hours, chances are you will see a friend posting links or videos of the tsunami which gulped down buildings and other constructions.

Then, they will add a comment or two which goes something like this "my deepest sympathy to the victims and their families of the Japan earthquake" or "oh, this is so sad!"

Seriously, if something like that happened to Anguilla, Gilbraltar or Norfolk Island, I bet that same bunch of people wouldn't give a damn about it. Obviously, all those so-called "condolences" on Facebook are just hypocritical acts.

People post links and make comments about the disaster because they want others to feel that they are up-to-date and are keeping a close eye on this international news. Sadly, their actions only disgust those who managed to see through them.

Here are some examples of what I mean. They are all my Facebook friends. Sorry but not apologetically, I have to backstab them at this blog.

Friend A mentioned that "it's heartwrenching" to witness this event. You have got to praise her for managing to use such an abstract word when she's already feeling the pain in her heart.

Easily, one can see that she did think for a moment before posting this, hence, showing that she isn't sincere in her comments. And what's with the Japan tour statement in the second line? Very Random.

Friend B is even worse. She is only concerned of her K-Pop idols. Shows how shallow human beings can be even at times like this

Friend C is the worst of all. She can even make use of the tragic events as a Facebook status of not being able to have a holiday in Japan.

Hello? People are struggling there and you are still happily in front of your computer typing your "fake-rantings" about cancelling a potential holiday trip?

As for me, I don't have to say anything about myself. Ren zai zuo, tian zai kan (Heaven is watching everything we do). You don't have to let people know if you've done a good deed.

Hope everybody can lend a helping hand and donate to charity. After all, made-in-Japan stuff has always been there when we need them. Electronics, automobiles, Pokemon, Beyblade and erm, Ayumi Hamazaki? Don't they all originate from Japan?

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