Saturday, October 06, 2012

PRC complains about NSFs

A China man, known as Wu Chen, who is currently studying at NUS has complained about being disturbed after midnight by the loud singing of recruits who were participating in their graduating route march.

He questioned:

"They woke the neighbourhood up and caused a nuisance."

My reply to him:

"They only wake you up once (if not, four times a year as there are four intakes annually) but you fellow countrymen are always a nuisance in public areas.

"It took about a minute for the column to march past the area."

My reply is:

"Peace can only be restored when China people finally alight from the MRT or bus."

"This is totally uncalled for. Why is this even happening in the first place?"

And here's the reply:

"Why are China people so irritating in the first place?"

Wu Chen claimed that he could hear the singings from his house on the fifteenth floor a HDB block in Marsiling.

If you want tranquility then go buy a bungalow lah, complain so much for what?

Anyway, in case you are curious, this is the guy. Aiyah, whether you are curious or not, I bet you will still click the link.

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