First of all, let's talk about Best Drama
Favourite: The Little Nyonya(小娘惹)
Dark Horse: Perfect Cut(一切完美)
Underdog: Love Blossom 1(心花朵朵开1)
Although I am a self-proclaimed critic of The Little Nyonya, I have to admit that it is the clear winner to bag this award. If the reason for winning this award is because of big production, then The Golden Path (黄金路) confirm out already as The Little Nyonya is "bigger" than it

Just in Singapore (一房半厅一水缸) may be interesting but still no fight against the mighty TLN. By My Side is too dramatic to be best drama. Love Blossom 1 is seriously the worst nominee among the six and it should not even be nominated at all. TLN's biggest and only rival is Perfect Cut but I doubt the dark horse can pull an upset
There is one drama which I think deserves to be nominated. it is none other than my favourite Crime Busters X2 (叮当神探). It is so funny and has many unpredicatable plots like a normal detective show. It is a pity that it was not nomiated

Best Actor
Favourite: Tay Ping Hui (The Golden Path), Chen Han Wei (By My Side)
Dark Horse: Qi Yu Wu (The Little Nyonya)
Underdog: Pierre Png (The Little Nyonya)

Tay Ping Hui was really very bad and evil in The Golden Path while Chen Han Wei is always a sure bet in this award. I still hope Tay Ping Hui wins it this time as he narrowly missed it in 2007. Huang Wen Yong should be contented that he was nominated. Adrian Pang's character in Nanny Daddy lacks the depth to match with the hot favourites. As for the two Babas from TLN, only Qi Yi Wu looks like the only nominee that can wrestle with Tay and Chen. Pierre Png still needs to work harder. He can act Phua Chu Beng so well so he just needs to brush up his Mandarin
Best Actress
Favourite: Fann Wong (The Defining Moment, 沸腾冰点)
Dark Horse: Chen Liping (The Golden Path)
Underdog: Felicia Chin (The Golden Path)

I don't want the two little nyonyas to win so I chose Fann Wong. Felicia Chin was a surprise in this nomination list. Chen Liping was nominated twice for this award together with her role in Just In Singapore but I believe she will still lose out to the others. I don't think Joanne Peh will win the award just because she add worms and mice in the show while Jeanette Aw is too over-hyped after the broadcast of TLN which makes me feel unfair if she still wins the award and gain more limelight
Best Supporting Actor
Favourite: Zzen (The Little Nyonya), Yao Wen Long (The Little Nyonya), Chew Chor Meng (The Golden Path)
Dark Horse: Darren Lim (The Little Nyonya)
Underdog: Dai Yang Tian(The Little Nyonya)

Three way tie for this award but my vote goes to Chew Chor Meng. He was really comeptent in acting his mentally unstable character in The Golden Path and the fact that I don't like TLN. Big-eyed Yao Wen Long and crafty Zzen are potential winners too but I mus say I am baised here. Darren Lim won the award in 2007 so I believe he won't win it this time. Dai Yang Tian? Oh my, why is he even in this list in the first place? Zhu Hou Ren wonders if he should be happy or sad for he is nominated but his competitors are really better than him
Best Supporting Actress
Favourite: Lin Mei Jiao (The Little Nyonya)
Dark Horse: Cai Pei Xuan(The Golden Path)
Underdog: All the others from The Little Nyonya

Five versus one here. Honestly, I would like to see Cai Pei Xuan receiving the award on stage but Lin Mei Jiao is just too good to say no (even if she's from TLN). The wicked nyonya will triumph in this award while the other female characters are just placed into the list fill up the blanks. Li Yin Zhu should have been nominated with her role in Just in Singapore instead of TLN
Best Variety Programme
Favourite: Life Transformers (心晴大动员), Buzzing Cashier (抢摊大行动)
Dark Horse: CelebriTea Break (艺点心思)
Underdog: Star Chef 2 (至尊厨王2), King of Thrift 2 (SMART省钱王2)

Really hard to choose between the two hot favourites but Buzzing Cashier should just edge out Life Transformers because it is more interactive. The others really don't seem to have a chance. Star Chef and King of Thrift are too boring. Superband don't even need to mention I guess
Best Variety Show Host
Favourite: Quan Yi Feng (Life Transformers), Kym Ng (Buzzing Cashier), Guo Liang (CelebriTea Break)
Dark Horse: Marcus Chin (Golden Age Talentime 2008)
Underdog: Christopher Lee (Life Transformers)

Christopher Lee is indeed another big surprise this year but a surprise is only a surprise. Veterans like Quan Yi Feng or Guo Liang should easily walk home with this award. Kym Ng is another potential winner. Lee Teng and Marcus Chin just have to count themeleves unlucky to be together with this group of nominees. One person is missing from here if you had noticed. He is none other than Mark Lee. Where is he this year?
Best Newcomer
Can Win: Andie Chen, Jerry Yeo
Should Win: Paige Chua
Will Win It Anyway: Dai Yang Tian

It is like putting the LA Lakers with some high school or college basketball team together. Everybody has a chance but everybody knows deep down in their heart who will win in the end. Dai Yang Tian is really one lucky guy here. His popularity is just so high
There are many other nominations but I will stop here as I am unsure how to analyse them
Good luck to all nominees for this Sunday's event

This Sunday(26/4/2009), 7pm
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