The three of us discussed the presentation last night on MSN and this the screenshot of Zhi Teng and I doing a video conference

and that is my feet "talking" to him
The bloody lecturer was late himself, he said he will be in the classroom by 7.50 to let us prepare but he arrived at 8 I think. Then the three of us stood outside the class like idiots perspiring in our long sleeve shirts. After the lecturer came, we prepared a little and took the advantage to quickly start our presentation as only a few people had arrived. Overall, I think we fared well and Zhi Teng spoke much better today. Actually we wanted to show a video at the end but did not do so in the end because of some problem but I shall show you all here what is it about
Then at Maths, the old witch continued her differentiation and all the dy over dx thingy. At Data Comm, we drew graphs which the lecturer said we have to memorize. I took some photos in class
Oi Jerry, sit down lah! Don't kaypoh other people!
Zhi Teng forever playing his handphone no matter where he is
And this is the photo of the day, taken in Character Developement class
FAT ARM!!! Yes, that's my lecturer
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