Recently this week, I have met many of my old classmates from secondary school in poly. I saw Jason on Tuesday in the library. Yesterday I saw Cheng Hao at Food Court 3. Today, it is a hat trick, I saw Samuel, Jian Nan and Nicholas, all in the span of twenty minutes at three different places. Sat at the same bench with Jian Nan during lunch and we talked while I was eating and he was playing Warcraft on his laptop. Found out that, like me, he had actually chosen football as his topic for the Oral Communication individual presentation too. Maybe it is a topic we are both too familiar with so it will be relatively easy for us to talk about it. Well, but he seriously needs a haircut. His hair is so long and he does not even bother to comb a single strand of it
When I went to bed last night, I thought of something which I think is worth thinking and debatable. Lying on the bed, I suddenly thought of Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt. They are two of the most prominent sportspeople last year and were in my 2008 top 10 sportspeople list. Ok, imagine this. If Phelps and Bolt are to compete against each other in a 100m race where they have to run in water that is up to the waist, who do you think will win? Phelps is a human fish and is invincible in the water while Bolt holds the 100m world record(running on the track)

I pondered for more than fifteen minutes but still could not decide on an answer, so I went to sleep in the end. What do you think?
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