Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Recently, I am sort of addicted to this challenge thing with Zhi Teng. We challenge almost anything which can be challenged. Whether we are sitting in class, eating in the foodcourt or walking to the MRT station. Actually, the more appropriate word should be bet but since no money was involved, I think challenge sounds more suitable

So what are the challenges? When we switch on our lappies, we will challenge whose(Compaq vs. Acer)can login to Windows XP faster after typing the username and password. I have an unbeaten record in this. Then we will see who can login to MSN quicker after clicking the sign in button at the same time. I always win in this too. We will see whose Firefox browser starts first and I am again the winner every time. Today, Zhi Teng came up with a new challenge which I lost. We decided to see who can enter SP's website quicker. I knew I would lose since I do not go there hence my browser does not have the cookies. But I still entertained him to let him win at least something

Then in the foodcourt, we challenged who can pour his Coke exactly at the brim of the cup without pausing halfway. This one is a tie. Then we can even have a photography challenge which I must say I η”˜ζ‹œδΈ‹ι£Ž. Today, we challenged who can take a better photo of a housefly which was "eating" the leftover french fries on Zhi Teng plate. My photo was blur and I only managed to capture the back of it. I shall not post the photos here as they are a bit disgusting

Our all time favourite is guessing the colour of the MRT train that is approaching the Dover station. Everytime I will take black and he will take white and most of times I win. Today, we had another new challenge which is to guess the time remaining for the next train to arrive. Zhi Teng said three while I said two. We decided to go according to the TV at the platform instead of the one at the ezlink card tapping place downstairs. Actually I won, not because of two Indian women in front of me having problem tapping their cards so the time was delayed a bit

There will be more challenges to come

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