Saturday, September 05, 2009


This is the third and final of the three part series regarding school politics


Enough of students, let's talk about teachers today since they make up a considerable portion of the school population. Every year during the start of September, most students will celebrate this day, yes it is Teacher's Day that I am referring to

Why do we celebrate this day which is not a public holiday? Is it because we are indebted to our teachers? We want to thank them? Or are we just following the crowd because everyone else is doing it? Whatever the reason is, teachers do play an influential role in our lives

The teacher who screams at you, the one that gives you a thirty-page homework to be completed in one day or the one that is constantly bullied by the students. Now you have a rough idea of what picture I am going to paint right?

A student's performance in school is indirectly affected by teachers. Sometimes, you just have to admit that teachers treat some students better than the others. Maybe it is because these students have better looks or they share the same interest as the teacher so both of them can click well together, never mind the generation gap

If a teacher is fierce, her students will not like her and might gradually lose interest in the subject that she is teaching. So sometimes, a student's results might not directly reflect his ability and knowledge of the subject. The teacher does play a pivotal role in deciding her students' fates. I believe that most people or rather everyone would prefer a kind and gentle teacher. A nice(define it yourself)teacher can easily win over her student's heart and the latter can learn in a more desirable environment

Teachers have to take up the responsibility of being a role model in school but my experience tells me otherwise. In my secondary school, teachers can be spotted with coloured hair, red, reddish-brown, gold highlights and many more. So much so for the useless school rules that forbid students from dyeing their hair. A teacher who colours her hair gives students the impression that she is fashionable and it is important to keep up with fashion. The innocent students, typical teenagers who pay attention to their looks, might end up following their trendy teacher and then get caught by the principal and wasted some money

A teacher's behaviour in school is also crucial. What will students think if the teacher is late for class? Worst still, she did not bother to apologize or give a reason. Then there are teachers who give their students a lot of freedom and end up spoiling them. Although I do not condone wild behaviours neither do I think a serious and nerdy personality is acceptable? We are living in the twenty-first century. Not the black and white 1950s

In a whole, teachers are one of the most important people in our lives. We cannot deny the fact that our results are directly or indirectly affected by teachers. It is politically correct to strive hard and work smart for exams but still other factors play a part in deciding the grade you obtain which all sums up to school politics

Thank you for your time, hope this three part series is proudly presented to you by Raymond School of Finance and Investment

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