Sunday, December 23, 2012

John Kerry: The smart choice

 America's president Barack Obama has picked John Kerry as secretary of state, a post that will be voided after Hillary Clinton steps down from it after four long years.

John Kerry is best known for being a navy lieutenant of the Vietnam War and the Democratic candidate for the 2004 presidential election where he was defeated by George Bush. After the withdrawal of Susan Rice, a favourite for the job, the nomination of Senator Kerry was widely expected.

Tested and proven, this man possesses adequate experience to be America's top diplomat. As quoted by Obama "few individuals know as many presidents and prime ministers or grasp our foreign policies as firmly as John Kerry.”

John Kerry, who is more pro-Europe than his predecessor, is expected to be welcomed in the continent. France's foreign minister Laurent Fabius has even endorsed the nomination and congratulated his potential American counterpart. Kerry will most probably make the U.S. shift its focus from East to West.

Kerry is also seen as the healing hand for the Middle East as well as South Asia. He has gone on trips to countries like Pakistan (after Osama was killed) and Syria (to meet its president) over the last few years and is portrayed as the person to mend Arab-Israel ties.

During his 2004 election campaign, Kerry gave a then relatively unknown Obama the opportunity to step onto the political stage by selecting him to give the keynote speech at the Democratic convention. Some may say that this is Obama's way of reciprocation.

After two women, John Kerry will become the first male secretary of state in almost eight years. The challenges which await him in his new job include Iran's nuclear issue and the ever-growing unrest in Syria.

But nobody else fits the bill as perfectly as Kerry himself.

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