Saturday, July 28, 2012

Loquat syrup: More than just a soother

So what if I censored the brand? You would have guessed it anyway!

The loquat syrup, better known as pi pa gao, you always remember as a Chinese medicine is actually a pretty powerful food paste. Like blueberries, loquats are not the most popular within the fruit kingdom yet packs a punch that will make apples and bananas look pathetic.

Most Chinese people associate loquat syrup with soothing sore throats and relieving heat. Other than consuming it as an alternative to lozenges, one can barely think of any other benefits this black-coloured syrup has to offer.

Actually, other than being useful at stopping coughs, loquat syrup can also help you lose weight. Taking one tablespoon of loquat syrup every day as part of your diet is effective in your weight-loss programme. Loquat leaves, one of the ingredients, play the most important role here.

The leaves of the fruit contain vitamins B and C, which are crucial in the process of shredding pounds. Vitamin B assists in promoting metabolism and converts fat into a source for burning energy. Vitamin C accelerates the burning of fat in the body.

To add on, the amygdalin (aka bitter almonds) in loquat syrup is composed of fiber. Fiber is indigestible and your body would need more effort when dealing with it, therefore more calories will be expanded in the process. Amygdalin can also reduce the body's absorption of fat during digestion.

However, amygdalin, when metabolized, generates a toxin known as hydrogen cyanide. If consumed in excess, the risk of cyanide poisoning increases and this may even result in death. But fret not, as long as you take pi pa gao in moderation, you should be fine and on your way to a better body plus complexion.

I like having my loquat syrup refrigerated because it hardens in lower temperatures. When gulping down "chilled pi pa gao", the feeling of it overwhelming your tongue and embracing the pharynx is indescribable. After wolfing down the thick and chilly liquid, the "air-con sensation" that no mint sweet can rival will be present within your throat.

Loquat is also said to possess a light but notable sedative effect so having a tablespoon of it before sleeping might help you get a good night's rest. And that includes the "air-con sensation" which stays in your throat all night.

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