Today's RealBlurPolitics® column shall showcase a fictional chat between ministers over the poly students' transport fare issue and what solution is in store
Note: transport minister is called T, finance minister is F, community development, youth and sports minister is CDYS and PM is ermmm.....PM?! Yes, i know you understand it
PM: so how's life guys?
F: sian lor, politicians lives are all the same
T: wah, i tell u all, the poly transport fare saga getting bigger and bigger already
PM: neh, those r juz youngsters petitioning, don bother them
F: ya, very fast the thing will subside one, we better concentrate on those older citizens, they are the ones that will give us headache everytime
T: i'm already stuck with that ERP thingy and must settle this too, be transport minister in this country so suay one
PM: hehe, cos you are newcomer, and newbies must do all this sai kang, few more years and you will understand
T: eh, Vivi also consider newcomer mah? why he like more relax?
CDYS: sometimes must use your brain, I got Teo to chup everything for me, that's why I look bochup
F: his name behind got 1 "luck" mah, you heng lor, youth olympics preparation you just act act only
T: okok, so can anyone suggest something?
PM: what for? it's been so many years, and nobody in parliament really did something about it
CDYS: but i thought recently few weeks ago got one female MP started something to help?
T: she give out some vouchers I think, so the pressure is on me now
F: calm down, women are nothing compared to us men, they don't think practically
T: Vivi, you are youth development minister, say something leh
CDYS: actually I think like a bit not fair to them leh
PM: nonsense, in this kind of financial situation that we are in, how can we care about this little thing?
F: yeah, our casino is still building and that Sands company don't know will mati or not also
PM: and the town councils have invested in Lehman Brothers too, we can't be cutting prices at this time
T: so I should just keep quiet? And let my lower people do all the shit?
CDYS: but there should at least be a reason...
PM: what are we for? to listen to all the citizens' requests and do what they want?
F: if that's the case, we would be changing ministers, like we change underwear?!
T: guess there's no other way
F: you go settle your ERP problem first lah, that one more crucial, even Jack Neo uses it to poke fun in his movie
PM: oh yes, speaking of which, I am planning to have an ERP gantry every 1km in the new Marina Coastal Expressway
T: what? don't give me so many problems leh
CDYS: ermm, that's means there will be 5 of them in the tunnel lah?
F: people will be paying like mad man
PM: what to do? only this way then maybe we can decrease the poly student's transport fare mah?
T: makes sense...
CDYS and F: our PM is the best, long live our PM
PM: ok bootlickers, anything new to say instead?
F: aiyah, we are government, government body and statutory board where got change one? everything also straight straight mah