Then went for Maths and listened to the old witch babble about like a machine gun. Seriously, her teaching is not suitable for the majority of modern students and she does not comprehend the polytechnic style of teaching and learning. She suits more for primary school kids(not even secondary schools where students are young adults). I guess she came to poly to teach as the salary here is higher than secondary schools, her face tells it all, she has a very sly and shrewd face
After Maths, I had lunch and McDonald's fish burger was it. Speaking about it, I realized something during noon, either the size of the burger has shrinked or my hand has grown bigger. It should be the former, the burger was gobbled up by me in less than five bites and five minutes. It did not literally make a difference between eating it and not eating it to me, as I was still kind of hungry. Well, due to rising global food prices, one cannot complain about the amount so long as it does not contain melamine or any other non-edible chemicals
Next was Data Comm after my "little lunch", the lecturer talked about shampoos at the start which I wonder how it could be linked to computers? Computers do not have hair, do they? He shared with us how he bought shampoo in the supermarket when he was young which is absolutely not related to the syllabus. Then it was Character Developement again, the lecturer was late so while waiting outside the classroom, my classmates found something to entertain themselves in the meantime
At last, it was home sweet home after a long day
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