Friday, January 18, 2013

A tale of three colours

Once upon a time, three friends, Red, Green and Orange, were chatting with one another. All three of them are subscribers of three different telecommunications companies and the topic about their service providers was naturally brought up. Red uses Meeyo, Green subscribes to Escivi while Orange is a customer of Sunny.

Orange: !@#$%^&* Sunny was down for more than 2 goddamn days earlier this week!
Red: Choose Meeyo lah, always the best coverage...
Green: But they don't have good service, Escivi is better.
Orange: Really? But I still think Sunny rocks in terms of customer service.
Green: No, no way, that's...
Orange: yeah I know but they provide shit.
Red: Meeyo please, just liberalize yourself dude.
Green: Not every single part of the country has Meeyo reception okay?
Red: At least it is has the widest coverage.
Orange: Think I'll still stick to Sunny.
Red and Green: What?
Orange: Cos they have good phone deals all the time.
Green: Rubbish! They're just compensating for their lack of coverage.
Red: Meeyo lor.
Orange: Ok ok but I am seriously fed up with Sunny, they are starting to look like the trains.
Green: Breaking down frequently?
Red: Ya la, so please make the wise choice. Meeyo.
Orange: Haha but Meeyo Tele seems to be even worse than the trains.
Green: Yeah, it encounters problems almost every two weeks.
Red: Whenever there's an EPL game live...
Green: So it's your turn to do the ditching now. Escivi please.
Orange: That's nonsense, the current Escivi only has the German league and some erm, Japanese league?
Red: Ok, they still have some cricket matches which the Ah Nehs love and I have totally no interest in.
Green: They'll grow back eventually. Just wait, Meeyo Tele's lousy quality will cost it.
Orange: Oh! Check out what's on my iPhone!
Green: Sunny wants to express its erm, sincere appreciation, hmmm shouldn't it be apologies? Er, to the affected blah blah blah and understanding.
Red: Wow! Dude, you just got 3 days' worth of free calls during that long weekend!
Green: And it's during the festive period! I can foresee you sms-ing us all kinds of greetings during then.
Orange: Aiyah, forever like that one lah!
Red: Like what?
Orange: Spoil liao then give people free service, Sunny forever same pattern one. Last time also like that.
Green: At least they bothered to offer free service after screwing up. Look at the trains, do they ever offer free rides after breaking down?

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