Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Population White Paper, a love letter

The government released the Population White Paper today. Here's a glance at what the latest love letter from yours truly PAP to the citizens is all about.

1. Improvements on the parenthood package.

No point improving on this when the cost of living continues to "improve".

2. Prevent a reduction in population by importing at least 15,000 new citizens per year.

That amount can go up to 25,000 and let's not forget about permanent residents. The PR population is expected to grow with approximately 30,000 foreigners being issued blue ICs annually.

3. Help new citizens integrate into Singapore's society

OMG. What the hell is this???

4. Two-thirds of Singaporeans will hold PMET jobs by 2030.

Being in a PMET job does not guarantee one to have greater financial freedom. Moreover, more and more of these jobs are being filled with foreign talent who are cheaper but probably not better.

5. Singaporeans plus foreign talent to deliver a competent economy.

Instead of delving into economics, why not we take a look at social issues first? China man, Pinoy and Singaporean hand in hand? You would need lots of imagination.

6. Decreasing workforce growth to 1% to 2% a year. By 2030 it will be 1% a year.

Nothing wrong with this since Singapore's population is ageing.

However, it was mentioned that relying less on foreign talent, better utilization of our resources and improving productivity is "the only sustainable way to grow the economy and raise real wages".

Even if a minimum wage is implemented eventually, we still have a weak purchasing power parity (even Malaysia and Thailand beat us) thanks to high price levels.

7. Invest in infrastructure, optimize land use and create new urban spaces.

PAP expects our population to hit, gasp, at least 5.8 million in seven years' time. This can go up to 6.9 million in 2030.
So they decide that building more MRT lines is the way to go in enhancing the public transport system.

Instead, lessening the burden of both public transport operators by outsourcing the role of rail operator (which maintains tracks and infrastructure) to a not-for-profit company may be a less complicated and effective solution.

Above are the 7 main points of the White Paper which you may choose not to read or read and forget about them. I think we'll be better off reading Bond Investing For Dummies.

By the way, the first sentence of the third paragraph under the Conclusion section is really questionable. "We must plan well ahead in order to build the best home for Singaporeans, both current and future."

The Lee Kuan Yew generation of ministers were indeed competent and far-sighted. The current men in white? Definitely still miles away from their predecessors. So, I find it very debatable and even controversial when the government says that it is planning ahead. Maybe planning ahead for their retirement and pension.

Lastly, according to our wonderful government, foreigners could make up almost half of the population by 2030. I hope that by 2016, opposition parties would amount to almost half of parliament.

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