Saturday, July 04, 2009

Speak good Mandarin

I have a new target recently. My latest addition to a growing list of unrealistic goals is to speak good Mandarin. Not as in with a China accent that you get to hear easily on the streets everywhere. But, the proper kind where you pronounce the words clearly and bite you teeth and curl your tongue at the right moments

If you are still unsure about what I mean, here is an example. Do you notice that everytime when you watch local Mandarin channels on TV, you will hear this certain male voice being broadcasted. Whether it is an advertisement or a TV programme trailer, it is always the same person same voice

He speaks very fluently with a manly tone. You can go switch on the TV and observe it yourself. Actually you might have already noticed this voice before but because it is so excellent it did not really catch your attention. Yes this guy or rather his voice is the main reason why I have set this new goal

I dream that I can speak like him one day. I would be scoring distinctions in oral examinations. Yeah easier said than done

Another motivation is the current speak Mandarin campaign which marks it's 30th anniversary this year. There is this Chinese challenge contest which had posters with questions found at bus stops at MRT stations islandwide like this one

People who know me will understand that I am sort of a more ang moh pai person. Ok maybe 60% English, 40% Chinese. But I want to make it 90% English and 90% Chinese. Good luck to myself and this new unrealistic dream of mine

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