Wednesday, August 05, 2009


What kind of job is recession-proof and can make you earn big money? Be a minister? Wait long long. How about an F1 driver? You can't even get gold for your NAPFA test. Or a pop star? Look at yourself in the mirror first. So what job can be so fantastic? It is none other than..."drums rolling*...a dentist!

Forget about the traditional ambitions like doctors, lawyers or engineers. An oral health therapist has a very promising future since dental hygiene is a must for anyone and everyone. Any human regardless of race, language and religion(sounds familiar as National Day is coming)is your potential patient so long as they care about their oral health

I used to wear braces so I do know a little about the dental profession through my regular visits to the clinic. I have since graduated from having metal on my teeth but my orthodontist requires me to return for a regular check-up every six months. I made an enquiry with the counter staff and she said that it will cost about seventy bucks for one session

Seventy dollars just to polish, scale and clean those small whitish structures in my mouth. Don't you agree that dentists will be filthy rich in no time? They just need to apply the techniques they learned during practical sessions for their dentistry modules at their work place day in day out. It is the same concept as a hairdresser but the latter might not earn as much as it's health science counterpart

Orthodontists fare even better. Yes, they are the kind of dentists who specialize in braces or rather the misalignment of teeth. Any orthodontist including mine can easily pocket a few thousand dollars from you by simply changing the colour of your braces every month. Well ok, they put on the braces for you and take them out after the entire treatment. But aren't they just doing the same thing over and over again for all their patients?

See? This is what I mean. No sweat and lots of money all done in a comfortable air-con place. Even teaching a patient basic oral hygiene like how to brush his teeth and using dental floss can easily cost about fifty dollars. A dentist is fully protected both physically and psychologically too. With the mask, gloves and whatever dental attire, you won't get infected easily. Also, if you are afraid that the patient sees your not-so-perfect face, the mask will always be there to save you and your blushes

Last but not least, I have never heard of a dental clinic operating 24 hours. This means that unlike doctors, dentists are not required to do shift work. Now how great can it be to become a dentist?

Ok, let's play a game. Try pronouncing the word "dentists', make sure you pronounce the "t" and "s" at the back as well. If you have mastered it, try saying "zoologists", "botanists" etc

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