Friday, May 14, 2010

Power Failure

I experienced a power failure in school today, not once but twice in less than an hour. This is not the first time it has happened since I enrolled into this institution located just beside Dover MRT station

Well, I wonder if any apologies would be made by the management on today's matter. I doubt there would be any since it can't be bothered with such "little" things. Utimately, students (and maybe lecturers) would be the ones at the losing end

As the days, weeks and semesters pass by, I realized that something has got to be done to protect the rights of we students and improve the quality of the management. Something like governing a country. Future students will continue to be at a disadvantage if everything remains status quo

Students are just like citizens, the school fees we pay are similar to the taxes that people file annually. We part with our money yearning that other better things will be coming back to us. This has not always been the case and when trust is lost, there will be no turning back

We need opposition. Opposition voices to voice out our opinions and create awareness for the good of the school. All that is desired is one or two people to stand up and make the first move and a whole lot of supporters will follow and rally behind them

I love opposing. I am a very stubborn person by nature. Will that person be me?

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