Monday, January 11, 2010

SP Open House

SP Open House ended last week with a blast but I still have a few questions about it lingering in my mind. I really feel like asking the management these questions and (naively) hope that they can give me honest replies

Where did the money used for organizing the event came from?

Why is SP's goodie bag so exceptionally better than the other polytechnics? Some gimmick huh?

What the heck is Spinnovex for when the white-shirt-with-a-necktie students are just blockheads standing at their booths looking at the visitors?

Shouldn't they be doing something like showcasing their projects to visitors?

No? Then please tear down that balloon which Spinnovex is held in, what a waste of precious space

Why are classrooms used for exhibition purposes without informing the students and lecturers? There's seriously something corked up with the management

Why is the school re-painted and cleaned up thoroughly only when there's an Open House?

Which idiot's decision was it to place a big signboard at the stairs between the third and fourth level at block T14 which only left half the space for people to walk?

Why are those nice-looking robots brought out for display only during an Open House every year? Old-fashioned already lah

May I sincerely ask where did the money came from which was used for the free food and drinks that resulted in a long queue of kiasu youngsters?

Why did SP sound like Zouk with all those ear-blasting songs?

Why must students "on duty" wear white shirts with a necktie? Looks so fake and pretentious

Why don't just stop lessons during the Open House period? Then I won't be complaining here

Anyway, kudos to all schoolmates who helped out during the Open House

Whether you're a white shirt idiot, a tour guide, a final year student showcasing your project, the magnanimous one who allowed a secondary school boy to queue in front of you for the free floss candy or the noble one who let a visitor use the urinal first in the toilet. Well done guys!

Ok, guess which one was me. I'll give you a hint, it's the most noble one

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